• Outdoors

Outdoor Birthday Venues for kids in Salt Lake City

There are plenty of fantastic birthday venues for kids in Salt Lake City, but if you have a little adventurer who loves a time in the open air, this list is what you’re looking for!
If you feel like celebrating your kid’s birthday in an outdoor venue but don’t know where, let us present you the ultimate list of outdoor birthday venues for kids in Salt Lake City! Family, friends, and especially your child will have a blast under the blue Utah sky!


966 W 12th St, Ogden, UT 84404, USA

Ogden Nature Center

The parties include tables and chairs, 2-hour rental of the discovery room for 20 people (includes kids & adults) An ONC host for 1 hour that will provide a short walk, story, or game (your choice), and a 15-minute animal presentation (snake, rabbit, or tortoise), birthday gift for the child, nature-related party favor for each child attending, and more!


60 W 60 N, Lindon, UT 84042, USA

Lindon Aquatics Center

You can rent the Lindon Aquatics Center for an unforgettable birthday party! The full facility rental covers the entire facility outside of normal open swim hours. This includes the Activity Pool, Spa, Wading Pool, Lap Pool, and FlowRider, as well as tables, chairs, restrooms, etc. There’s also the Flowrider Rental which covers the FlowRider and the immediate surrounding area for an hour minimum.

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